Why homework is important?
- Students who complete homework are more likely to achieve well in their exams.
- Students who complete homework will be better prepared for their next lesson.
- Students who complete homework show they have a good work ethic and this will help them in the future.
When is homework set?
- Students will receive at least one homework from each subject every two weeks.
- Students in English and Maths will receive one homework every week.
- Students in upper school and sixth form will receive more homework than students in lower school.
What kind of homework do students receive at Cowley?
There are many types of homework that teachers will set to continue students’ learning outside college. For example:
- Specific questions from the topic
- Research
- Interviewing parents or relatives
- My maths
- GCSE Pod
- Educake
- PiXL apps
- Essays or extended writing pieces
- Work sheets
- Past exam questions
- Revision
- Speaking practice for MFL (they will benefit from recording this and listening to it)
How can parents help with homework?
Working with students and learning together is very rewarding and we encourage parents to take an active role in their child’s learning. It really doesn’t matter if the parents can’t do the homework, the opportunity for a student to try and explain what they have been learning and to research something together is a very powerful learning opportunity for students.
Parents should also check their child’s planner every night to help them with their organisation and structuring their evening.
Parents should also check the completed homework through with their child or have your child read the homework to you.
How will parents know if their child has homework?
All homework should be recorded in student planners by students.
Parents should check their child’s planner every night for homework, notes from staff, times when their child has been out of lesson and letters home.
What should students being doing if they say they have no homework?
Students will more than likely have a piece of homework to complete or continue with every night. It is important that students do not leave their homework to the last minute as they are less likely to do well in the homework if they are rushing it.
If the student can prove to their parent that they do not have any set homework it provides a golden opportunity for the students and their parents to do some research and learning around the topic.
Students should also be reading every night (students who read for pleasure every day are more likely to do well in all exams). Parent should also have their child read to them regularly. It is important that parents turn the TV, PlayStation off and ensure the students are working and reading for a proportion of every evening.
What should students and parents be doing every night?
- Reading
- Checking planners
- Checking completed homeworks
- Looking at the timetable for the next day and checking they are prepared.
Please check out this guide for Parents/Carers about supporting your child’s learning.
What do students do if they get stuck with their homework?
Firstly if the student is unsure of the task when it is set they should see the teacher before they go home that day.
Don’t give up – the homework is designed to make students (and parents) think and learn. Students should try their best to solve this. Staff will not set work that is too far beyond their ability.
Call a friend for some help.
See the teacher at the earliest opportunity. Do not walk into the next lesson saying “it was too hard – I couldn’t do it”
What are the consequences for not completing or not handing in homework?
The key consequence is that students will not perform as well in their exams. However, staff will issue detentions as an incentive for students to complete their homework.
Repeated issues with homework will require a meeting with parents
What should parents and students be doing if the homework is to ‘revise’?
Revision and preparation for exams and assessments is essential. Each student will have specific weeks in the year when their staff will be issuing tests, exams and assessments. It is important that parents know when these assessments are and then they can ensure their child is prepared, alert and focused to show their true ability. Staff will be setting ‘Revision’ for homework activities however that can mean many things – here are some examples:
- Reading through their exercise book and practising the questions that have been completed in class and for homework.
- Having parents or another adult to use the exercise book to quiz the student about their knowledge.
- Using websites e.g. BBC Bitesize, mymaths, My GCSE science
- Practise past papers that are given by the teaching staff
- Drawing mind maps with lots of colour and diagrams
With revision the key things are:
- Little and often is far better than leaving it to the last minute
- Talking though the subject is better than just reading
- Revising and background distractions is not a benefit (turn off the TV, phone and music – they will not have this comfort/distraction in the exam)
- Not sticking to one type or revision – variety is important
- Knowing when the exam is
- Knowing what the exam is on is vital (check with your teacher)
Where is a good place to complete homework?
A place that is without distractions is always better for concentration. Turn off the TV, computer, phone and music and focus entirely on the homework. With homes being very busy places Cowley provides a homework club every night (not Friday).