Year 9 students can shape their own learning programme according to their interests, future education and career aspirations.
Year 9 students need to think carefully about their choices, as the choices made will have a direct impact on their learning and ultimately their future.
Making your choice
To help you make up your mind, you could think about what subjects you like, the type of learning that suits you best and where you would like to study.
You need to consider:
- The subjects you enjoy most
- Subject areas that you are good at
- Subjects you may need for your future career
- Keeping your options open by choosing a wide range of subjects
Year 9 students can find their options choices in the booklets below, depending on which pathway they are following.
Hard copies of these booklets, along with a letter and options form, will be given to all Year 9s.
Year 9 Pathway J Options Booklet 2024