Mental Health Resources for Staff, Students and Parents

The Charlie Waller Memorial Trust is an organisation that Cowley has linked with to provide additional mental health and wellbeing support and resources for parents/carers as well as our students.

Read about our Sixth Form students who trained to be Mental Health Champions.

Please find below some resources from the Charlie Waller Trust website that you may find useful.

Five Ways to Wellbeing posters – Five posters – one for each of the Five Ways to Wellbeing. Each poster describes the ‘way’ and gives some ideas that relate to it.

Starting University – Some students are enthusiastic optimists and some are anxious worriers – this booklet provides useful advice and information for both, and everyone in between.

Supporting a child with anxiety – If your child is experiencing high levels of anxiety, it can be worrying for you as a parent or carer. This booklet will help you understand anxiety more clearly and begin to address it.

Wellbeing Action Plan – A simple plan to help you keep yourself well and get you through difficult times.

Wellbeing Action Plan (Aged 16+) – The Wellbeing Action Plan is for all young people attending sixth form or college, whether or not they have experienced mental health issues. It’s a practical tool that helps students think about how to look after their mental health, when they may need support and where to seek help.

Coping with self harm – Developed by researchers at the University of Oxford, this guide includes information on the nature and
causes of self-harm and how to support a young person for parents and carers.

Perfectionism – How to spot and respond to unhealthy perfectionism.

Asking for help – Tips for young people on when it’s time to talk about their mental health, or if they want to help a friend.

Social media and teenagers – Together, we can build digitally healthy households, practically and positively. Let’s explore how.

Parents guide to depression – This booklet aims to help parents and carers recognise and understand depression and how to get appropriate help for their child.

Mental Health Champions

On both the 11-16 and Sixth Form sites, we have a number of individuals who are trained Mental Health champions who students are able to approach and speak to should they have any problems concerning their mental health.

Look out for staff and students wearing yellow lanyards.

Read about our Cowley Sixth Form College students who trained to become mental health champions.


Barnardo’s St Helens Resilience Service supports secondary aged young people in St Helens with their emotional wellbeing and resilience. They have a designated therapist/mental health practitioner attached to each secondary school in the borough, including here at Cowley.

For further information about this service, which is available for both students and staff, please visit the website here.

You can also follow the St Helens Resilience Service on Instagram here.