Cowleian Values

Our mission is to create independent, considerate, healthy and aspirational people that communicate well.  Through teaching and providing an environment that is stimulating, safe and caring, we encourage all to develop themselves and to support each other to achieve their full potential.

We want our students to be…            


Having the ability to set targets, with the desire or ambition to achieve something in their lives, both for themselves and for others.


Thinking or acting for themselves and by taking responsibility for their own learning and progress. Making an individual contribution to improve the world in which we live.


Showing awareness of the fact that they are members of a community, both in college and in the wider world. They must be ready to take into account the beliefs, feelings and viewpoints of others at all times.

Good Communicators

Working to developing the ability to listen to other people and to appreciate the value of effective communication, in their own and in other languages among peers, in the workplace and in all areas of their lives.


Showing physical, social and mental well being through an involvement in extra curricular activities and an active awareness of the effects of their lifestyle choices.

Positive Contributors

Positively contributing both in college and in the community. Being a positive role model to other students.

Our mission statement is shaped by our vision for all Cowleians to achieve the highest standards together, articulated by our school motto:

Non sibi sed omnibus

Which translates as “Not for oneself but for all.”