Quality of Education Committee

Mrs S Hill (Chair)
Mrs J Kellett (Vice Chair)
Mr I Arnold
Mr G Anders
Mrs M Bellis
Mr R Cormack
Ms A Farrell
Mr R Foster
Mr J Hunt
Mr C Sheeran
Mr K Van Der Laan
Mrs K Joinson (Clerk)

(a) The committee shall comprise of not less than four Governors plus the Executive Principal.
(b) The committee shall have such associate non-voting members as is thought appropriate.

Election of Chair and Vice Chair:
The committee shall elect a chair and vice chair at its first meeting of the academic year.

The quorum shall be three Governors, of which one must be the Executive Principal or a delegated deputy.

The committee shall meet a minimum of once per term.

The minutes shall be taken by a designated clerk.

Review of Terms of Reference:
The Terms of Reference shall be reviewed annually by the full Governing Body.

Delegated responsibilities of the committee:
Policy and Procedure:
(i) Seek assurance from the college management that the full Governing Body (FGB) has all necessary curriculum related policies to meet statutory and local requirements.
(ii) Where delegation has been agreed by the FGB, establish and review the effectiveness of statutory policies, plans and procedures relating to achievement and teaching related matters including the Accessibility Plan, SEN Information Report and SEND Policy.
(iii) Where delegation has been agreed by the FGB, establish and review the effectiveness of non-statutory policies, targets, plans and procedures relating to achievement and teaching related matters including:
• Agreeing targets.
• Agreeing and reviewing policies on Curriculum, Collective Worship, Religious Education, Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development, ensuring British Values are promoted across all areas.
• Oversight of a policy for educational visits, including the appointment of a named co-ordinator.
(iv) Consider and advise the FGB on standards and other matters relating to the college’s curriculum, including any statutory requirements delegated to the committee.
(v) Consider curricular issues which have implications for financial and human resource decisions and make recommendations to the relevant committee or the Governing Body. (vi) Arrange for on-line information to be published on the Disadvantaged Student allocation, its use and impact on attainment. (vii) Monitor and evaluate outcomes supported of Disadvantaged Students.
(viii) Arrange for on-line information to be published on the curriculum provision, content and approach, by year and by subject.
(ix) Evaluate arrangements for reporting to parents on learning.
(x) Provide challenge and hold the Principal and other senior leaders to account for improving the quality of teaching and students’ achievement.
(xi) Agree and review a policy on assessment and target setting to ensure that all groups of students, including the most vulnerable make good progress.
(xii) Provide and support curriculum development as set out in the College Improvement Plan ensuring opportunities for all.
(xiii) Evaluate all aspects of the curriculum design and student learning.
(xiv) Oversee arrangements for individual governors to take a leading role in specific areas of provision, e.g. SEN, Literacy, Numeracy.
(xv) Review opportunities for students and parents to access resources via an electronic means rather than face to face.
(xvi) Mentor and evaluate the careers offer to students.