Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee

Mr P Worthington (Chair)
Mr K Van Der Laan (Vice Chair)
Mr I Arnold
Mr G Anders
Mrs M Bellis
Mr R Cormack
Ms A Farrell
Mr C Sheeran
Mrs K Joinson (Clerk)

(a) The committee shall comprise of not less than four Governors plus the Principal.
(b) The committee shall have such associate non-voting members as is thought appropriate.
Election of Chair and Vice Chair:
The committee shall elect a chair and vice chair at its first meeting of the academic year.

Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee
The quorum shall be three Governors, of which one must be the Principal or a delegated deputy.
Pay Appeals Committee
The quorum shall be three Governors of the Finance Personnel and Premises Committee that are neither the Principal or the Principal’s delegated deputy nor those who were also members of the Staff Performance Review Committee.

The committee shall meet twice per term.

The minutes shall be taken by a designated clerk.

Review of Terms of Reference:
The Terms of Reference shall be reviewed annually by the full Governing Body.

Delegated responsibilities of the committee:
Policy and Procedure:
(i) Seek assurance from the college management that the full Governing Body (FGB) has all necessary Finance, Human Resources and Premises related policies to meet statutory and local requirements.
(ii) Where delegation has been agreed by the FGB, approve and review the effectiveness of statutory policies, plans and procedures relating to Finance, Human Resources and Premises related matters:
• Capability Policy
• Charging and Remissions Policy
• Data Protection Policy (including protection of biometric information)
• Equality Information and Objectives
• Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
• Health and Safety Policy
• Maternity Policy
• Scheme for Paying Governors’ Allowances
(iii) Where delegation has been agreed by the FGB, approve and review the effectiveness of non-statutory policies, plans and procedures relating to Finance, Human Resources and Premises related matters:
• Asset Management Plan
• Bursary Policy
• Leave of Absence Policy
• Lettings Policy and Procedure
(iv) Where requested by the FGB, recommend for approval following consideration of the effectiveness, Finance, Human Resources and Premises related Local Authority policies.
(v) Review annually the Internal Financial Regulations and Financial Procedures Manual of the college and recommend them for approval by the FGB.
(vi) Make recommendations to the FGB on appropriate levels of delegation to be included in the Internal Financial Regulations for the Principal and Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee.

Strategic Financial Planning:
(i) Seek assurance from the college management that financial planning maximises achievement for all students through the provision of an outstanding curriculum and consistently high standards of teaching and learning.
(ii) Approve and adopt a three year budget plan taking into account the agreed priorities of the College Improvement Plan and Asset Management Plan.
(iii) Approve and adopt detailed annual revenue and capital budget plans taking into account the agreed priorities of the College Improvement Plan and Asset Management Plan for recommendation to the FGB.
(iv) Seek assurance annually from the college management that the college continues to meet the Schools Financial Value Standards.

Financial Monitoring:
(i) Monitor half termly the revenue budget position statement against the annual budget plan and report the situation to the FGB.
(ii) Monitor at least annually the capital budget position statement and report the situation to the FGB.
(iii) Subject to agreed levels of delegation set out in the Internal Financial Regulations, approve any budgetary adjustments that will from time to time be necessary in response to the evolving needs of the college.
(iv) Make recommendations to the FGB on the appropriateness, or otherwise, of virements to be made outside of the Committee’s delegated powers.
(v) Subject to agreed levels of delegation set out in the Internal Financial Regulations, award tenders completed by/on behalf of the college.
(vi) Make recommendations to the FGB on the appropriateness, or otherwise, of tenders to be awarded outside of the Committee’s delegated powers.
(vii) Approve after due consideration of costs and quality issues, the continuation (or cessation) of contracts, including Local Authority sourced services.
(viii) Review appropriate financial benchmarking data, in order to compare the college’s financial performance with similar schools.

Non-public Funds:
(i) Approve appropriate arrangements for an independent examination of non-public funds.
(ii) Receive and respond to the report from the independent examination of the annual accounts.
(iii) Approve annual accounts of non-public funds and present to the FGB for approval.

(i) Undertake powers delegated by the FGB in respect of the Pay Policy (Appendix 2).
(ii) In consultation with the Principal, agree and review the staffing structure of the college.
(iii) Where delegated by the FGB and not delegated to the Principal, approve decisions relating to statutory and discretionary elements of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document, having regard to employment legislation, equal pay and the college’s policy on equality.
(iv) Appoint a separate Pay Appeals Committee which would be made up of at least three members of the Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee that are neither the Principal or the Principal’s delegated deputy nor any member of the Staff Performance Review Committee to:
i. Deal with any appeal by staff against the Staff Performance Review Committee’s decision or pay award.
ii. Deal with any appeal by the Executive Principal against the Staff Performance Review Committee’s decision or pay award.
(v) Deal with grievances as laid out in the Local Authority’s Grievance Procedure.
(vi) Deal with disciplinary matters as laid out in the Local Authority’s Disciplinary Rules and Procedure.
(vii) Deal with all dismissals as laid out in the appropriate Local Authority’s procedures.
(viii) Oversee the process leading to staff reductions.
(ix) Establish appropriate differentials/relatives of all staff within the college.
(x) Be aware of national conditions of service for support staff and to approve any pay awards or conditions of service changes accordingly.

Premises and Health and Safety:
(i) Seek assurance from the college management that the college meets all statutory and local requirements for health and safety.
(ii) Taking account of the Asset Management Plan and any guidance provided by the Local Authority, approve priorities for capital expenditure which will ensure the safety and security of the premises as far as is reasonably practicable so to do, that the building is fit for the education of students and to the provision of a supportive workplace for staff.
(iii) Taking account of the Asset Management Plan and any guidance provided by the Local Authority, approve a rolling programme of repairs and maintenance that fall within the responsibility of the college.
(iv) Together with other appropriate committees of the Governing Body, seek assurance from the college management that the college meets requirements for those with Special Educational
Needs and Disabilities.
(v) Consider the findings of the termly site inspection and seek assurance from the college management that any required remedial action is taken in an efficient and effective manner.
(vi) Consider the annual analysis of accidents and incidents and seek assurance from the college management that procedures and practices have been amended in response to reactive monitoring.