The name of the school is Cowley International College.
2. The school is a Community High School.
3. The name of the Governing Body is The Governing Body of Cowley International College.
4. The Governing Body shall consist of:
(a) 2 Parent Governors
(b) 1 LA Governor
(c) 1 Staff Governor
(d) the Executive Principal
(e) 11 Co-opted Governors
5. Total number of Governors: 16
(The Executive Principal to give written notice that s/he chooses not to be a Governor).
6. The term of office of all Governors is four years.
7. This instrument of Government comes into effect on 26th October 2023
8. This Instrument of Government was re-made by order of the St Helens Council Local Education Authority on 25th October 2022 to comply with Part 5 (Regulations 26-31) of the School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012.