Mr G Anders
Mrs S Hill
Mr P Worthington
Mr R Cormack
Mr R Foster
Mr C Sheeran
Mrs K Joinson (Clerk)
(a) The committee shall comprise of the Chair and Vice Chair of Governors, Chairs of Quality of Education, Finance, Personnel and Premises, Pupil Behaviour and Wellbeing and Staff Performance Review committees, Executive Principal and Principal.
Election of Chair and Vice Chair:
The committee shall elect a chair and vice chair at its first meeting of the academic year, who shall not be the Chair or Vice Chair of the full Governing Body, the Executive Principal or Principal.
The quorum shall be three Governors.
In between meetings, authority is given to the Chair to agree with the Executive Principal/Principal any action, within the remittance of this committee, necessary for the smooth running of the college. Any action taken will be reported at the next meeting of the committee and the full Governing Body.
The committee shall meet a minimum of twice per year.
The minutes shall be taken by Kerry Callaghan or an appropriate alternative.
Review of Terms of Reference:
The Terms of Reference shall be reviewed annually by the full Governing Body.
Delegated responsibilities of the committee:
(i) Undertake a strategic and co-ordinating role in the governance of the college.
(ii) Establish and keep under review Standing Orders, Terms of Reference and Code of Conduct for the Governing Body and the delegations to committees and individuals.
(iii) Consider recommendations made by committees with regard to the working of the Governing Body.
(iv) Be available and respond to matters of particular difficulty, sensitivity and emergency and offer advice to the Executive Principal/Principal.
(v) Make decisions in extraordinary circumstances.
(vi) Consider issues related to strategic planning.
(vii) Confirm the programme of work and calendar of meetings for the college year, based on known cycles of college improvement, financial management, staffing issues and communication with parents.
(viii) Review the business of the previous cycle and to agree the work of the Governing Body and its committees for the term ahead and beyond where necessary.
(ix) Monitor the progress of work being undertaken by the committees and individuals.
(x) Undertake annually a self-review of effectiveness of the Governing Body and its practices and procedures using the Ofsted framework and initiate action as required.
(xi) Establish and keep under review arrangements for Governors’ visits to college.
(xii) Monitor induction, training and development needs of governors.