Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope you and your family are well and have had a lovely summer. It is not long until students return, and we are looking forward to welcoming them back to college and building on the successes from last year. In this letter, there is some important information to ensure all students have a good start to the new college year.
Welcome to our new Year 7
As I informed parents back in July, the year group gelled very quickly on the induction days, and I am confident they will have a great start to secondary school and immerse themselves into Cowley life. The college is open, so if you have any questions, please contact us or have a look at the website.
Examination results
Congratulations to the Y10, Y11, Y12 and Y13 students on their results. The hard work and dedication has paid off and we are proud of their academic achievements. We thank parents and staff for their support and commitment to the students to ensure students were ready for their exams. The photo gallery is here.
First day back
The first day back for students is Wednesday 4 September at 8:30am. There is no wasted time moving to the new college year; students will attend team time and assemblies during Period 1 and 2 and they will start curriculum lessons Period 3.
Being prepared for September
We continue to have high standards and expectations for uniform and equipment. So there are no shocks on the first day, please check our uniform policy page on the website here. If your child has enjoyed the summer with hair colouring, piercings, nail varnish, false nails and eye lashes etc, then please ensure these are all sorted, and your child is ‘Cowley ready’ for their first day. Your child will also need a suitable school bag with all the required equipment for every college day.
Daily Attendance
The students who achieved well in their exams all had one thing in common – good attendance. It is so important that your child is in college every day. Every lesson missed means they are missing vital learning. Having those good habits and strong routines of coming into college each day are vital. Please look at our attendance information on our website and contact the year team if there is anything we can do to support you with ensuring your child has good attendance. Attendance – Cowley International College – St Helens
Start of term ‘jet lag’
We see ‘start of term jet lag’ every new term. This is not due to any long plane journeys, but due to students having late bedtimes and late starts during the holiday. I would recommend that students start to return to normal bedtimes a few days before the 4 September, so they are refreshed and ready to learn. It will be a shock to their system if they have been used to staying in bed until mid-morning.
Reading, Reading and Reading
There is a direct link between reading levels and success at school. The students who read often are more likely to do well in their exams. We want all children to be successful and we want them to love reading. Reading will continue to be a priority this year and it is essential that, every day, they have some time reading at home.
Mobile phones at Cowley
We are aware that many students have a mobile phone, and they may have spent a significant amount of time using their phone over the summer. Returning to school will require students to be disciplined about when and where to use mobile phones. Students must now have their phones powered down and in their bags throughout the school day. The new policy introduced last term was incredible and it was great to see students chatting and socialising with friends. You can find more information (FAQs and the policy) here.
Class Charts
Parents continue to inform us that they benefit from the Class Charts app, as it gives daily information to help them understand how their child is performing. We will continue to use Class Charts for letters, homework, attendance, rewards and behaviour. Please ensure you have your logon details and the app, so you can see ‘live’ information about how your child is performing each day.
Extracurricular clubs and activities
The clubs and activities offered to the students last year was truly incredible. This included everything from the college musicals, sports, clubs, residentials and international trips to France, Germany and China. We are looking forward to offering the amazing Cowley extracurricular timetable this year. I encourage all students to get involved in as many extracurricular activities as possible and immerse themselves into Cowley life. More information will be shared to students in September about these activities.
Keeping in contact
Communication with parents and carers is so important. Please ensure we have up-to-date mobile numbers and email addresses. Please contact the main office when there are changes.
- Open evenings
Each year, we open our doors to the community so they can meet the staff and students and have a look around the wonderful facilities we have. These are for Year 5 and Year 6 pupils and their families. However, if you would like to attend these evenings, the dates are below. - 11-16 site – 12 September 2024
- Post 16 site – 17 October 2024 and 16 January 2025
Parents’ evenings
The partnership between college and parents is paramount for the success and wellbeing of students. The data shows that students achieve 2 grades better at GCSE when parents come to parents’ evenings. Please add these dates to your diaries:
7 November 2024
26 June 2025
13 March 2025
12 June 2025
23 January 2025
26 June 2025
27 March 2025
12 June 2025
3 October 2024
27 February 2025
I am confident that this year is going to be another great year. If your child works hard, reads every day and demonstrates the Cowleian Characteristics, I guarantee they will be successful this year.
As always, if there is anything we can do to support you or your family, then please do get in touch with the college.
Yours sincerely
Mr Cormack