Some independent study has been set for all students in Years 7-9 who will not be in College on Wednesday, 5th July and Friday, 7th July due to the industrial action.
Please find links to the two days’ worth of independent study below:
College will be re-open to all students on Thursday, 6th July and Monday, 10th July and it is a requirement that all students attend.
Every year, we offer our Year 12 Cowley Sixth Form College students a Progression Week, a week-long event to help them think about what they’d like to do after sixth form college, and this year was no exception with a fantastic week of events being held on-site this week.
Progression Week takes the form of:
- University Day – featuring a careers fair (market place style) with universities from around the UK, university-based talks and sessions as well as a presentation around UCAS applications.
- Apprenticeship and Employers Day – featuring a careers fair (market place style) of apprenticeship providers and employers from a wide range of different industries plus talks and sessions about apprenticeships and industry-based topics.
- Mock Interview Day – each student sits a mock interview with a professional to help them prepare for university or employment interviews.
- Work Experience – each student partakes in a work experience placement for three days (students in some courses will do more than three days) to gain valuable experience in a workplace.
We were delighted to welcome the following organisations in to Cowley Sixth Form College for the Progression Week events this year and thank them all for their support:
- Glyndwr (Wrexham) University
- Edge Hill University
- University of Stirling
- Staffordshire University
- Nottingham Trent University
- University of Northampton
- Loughborough University
- Lancaster University
- Northumbria University
- Bangor University
- University of Essex
- University Centre St Helens
- University of Salford
- Liverpool John Moores University
- Liverpool Hope University
- University of Cumbria
- Manchester Metropolitan University
- Spirit Studios
- University of Huddersfield
- Blackpool College of the Arts
- University of Central Lancashire
- Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts
- University of Chester
- LMA Liverpool (Music, Media, Arts)
- University of the West of Scotland
- University of Hull
- HMS Works
- Waterside Training
- White Cross Vets
- Co-Op
- Army
- Bluebird Care
- Navy
- Pure Gym
- iTech
- St Helens Chamber
- Merseyside Police
- North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust
- McLaren Group
- Seqirus
- Royal Air Force
- Sellafield
- Alcedo Care
- Miguel Doforo
- United Utilities
- Puratos
- Home Office
- Airbus
- Career Connect
- Barclays Bank
Photos from the week’s event:
With the latest Summer Menu 2023 having completed its first 3-week cycle, we are now giving students an opportunity to have their say in developing the next menu and what they would like to see served in the College canteen this winter.
Please can we ask students to complete the following short online survey: Cowley Menu Survey (
A week until Prom!
We are looking forward to seeing our Y11s next Wednesday (5th July) for Prom.
Here at the all important timings:
Student arrival: 5:15pm
Coach departure 5:45pm
Plenty of time for photos with friends as everyone arrives.
We will be doing another online Prom Gallery, so if your daughter/son is happy to be included, send over your best prom photo to . As this is a work email, can we please ask for photos to compressed or fairly small in file size.
We can’t wait to see all your photos!
We understand that you may be a bit nervous about making new friends and getting around without getting lost.
We have some really great things planned for you and we promise that we include fun activities to help you to get to know other people in your class that will help you to make new friends.
As for getting lost in the building, well, you are lucky that we have a school full of helpful people and you only need to ask someone for help so that’s that problem sorted.
Now, take a deep breath, empty your mind of anything worrying you and be prepared to have a brilliant few days with us!
We are really looking forward to welcoming Y6 students for your induction/transition days with us next week!
Monday 3rd July – Orientation Day – 8:30am-2:40pm
Tuesday 4th July – Lesson Taster Day – 8:30am-2:40pm
Wednesday 5th July – Cognitive Ability Tests – 8:30am-1:30pm
What students need to bring
Parents – we kindly ask that your child brings with them normal school equipment:
- full pencil case
- school bag
- water bottle
Please note that PE kit is not required as we are not running any PE sessions over any of the 3 days.
What students need to wear, plus details on lunch
Students should wear their primary school uniform (no jewellery / makeup is permitted). Please bring around £3 cash for lunch (or a packed lunch if preferred). Students can also bring a healthy snack.
What the students will be doing as part of the induction
Over the course of the three days, the children will be getting familiar with the school, enjoying some taster lessons and assemblies as well as meeting all the key staff including the Year 7 Team and Gatsby, our lovely therapy dog
Students will get to meet their new Year 7 team: Mrs Cunliffe (Head of Achievement) and Mrs Rowland (Year Co-ordinator).
We have a fabulous team of current Year 7 students who will be helping our Year 6 throughout the day. We incorporate this in so that our new Year 6 can chat with our current Year 7 and ask any questions that they have about Cowley.
We can’t wait to meet our new Cowleians!
A message for our parents
We know that this must be a nervous time for our Year 6 parents/carers, but we promise that we do everything we can to ensure your child has the best few days here at Cowley.
Details of a Summer activity camp taking place during the summer holidays, run by Active Future
This program will run at St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School on 24th July at 10am and will run for 4 hours a day, 4 days per week for 4 weeks.
It will be run as a Multi sport camp focusing on the more non traditional sports to promote inclusion and We will have lots of professionals in speaking with the young people about mental health and the benefits of Physical activity.
I will attach the booking link below. Spaces are limited to 30.
If you are not familiar with HAF Programs I will briefly give a description below :
- HAF stands for Holiday Activity and Food
- It is funded by the councils and ran by organisations such as ourselves on behalf of the council
- It is completely FREE for kids of Free School meals
- It runs 3 times a year during the Easter, Summer and Christmas school holidays consisting of a minimum of 4 hours a day for 4 days during Easter and Christmas and 4 hours a day, 4 days a week for 4 weeks in Summer
- The camps focus on a broad range of activities to get all children involved and Active
- There is a big emphasis placed on Healthy eating with various Activities based around this throughout the camp
- Each child that attends our camps will receive a breakfast and hot nutritious lunch.

27th June 2023
Dear Parent/Carer,
Re. Industrial Action
As you will be aware, the National Education Union (NEU) has announced it is to take further industrial action due to a national dispute between the unions and government over teachers’ pay and funding decisions for school. The next planned strike days are next Wednesday, 5th July and Friday, 7th July.
Due to the number of NEU members and health and safety implications, unfortunately, after careful consideration, I have made the difficult decision that the College cannot operate a standard day. I have outlined the plans below.
During these two days, the College will only be open to Year 12, Year 10 and a small group of identified Year 7-9 students. Parents/carers of the Year 7-9 identified group will receive a personal communication in the next few days, and those students will attend College in full uniform from 8.30am to 3.05pm.
Year 12 students will follow their normal timetable. If their teacher is not in College, they will complete independent study in the Sixth Form Study Area.
Year 10 students will arrive at 8.30am, in full uniform, and register with the year team in the canteen. On Wednesday, 5th July, they will complete their English Literature GCSE rehearsal exam during periods 1-4 and then leave the site at approximately 12:30pm to complete exam study at home. On Friday, 7th July, they will complete their Chemistry and Physics GCSE rehearsal exams periods 1-4 and leave site at approximately 1:15pm. If Year 10 students require school transport at the end of the school day, we will supervise them during lunchtime and period 5. Please inform the Year 10 team if your child requires this provision by Monday 3rd July to enable us to make appropriate arrangements.
All Year 7 – 9 students not attending on these two days will be provided with appropriate independent study to complete at home. Miss Barry, Vice Principal, will be providing more details about this and adding information to our website early next week.
As most students entitled to Free School Meals won’t be in school on the two strike days, Mrs Callaghan, Business Manager, has once again arranged for £2.50 to be credited to their ParentPay meal account which won’t expire until spent. We understand that times are tough for families and it is important that no student goes hungry, therefore, if you prefer, a packed lunch can be collected or delivered on the day. Please let Mrs Callaghan know by noon on Monday 3rd July via email to and she will arrange for this to happen.
I am sorry that you will have to make alternative arrangements for your child, and for the disruption to their education. I have prioritised the exam year groups to ensure this strike does not interrupt their exam preparation. I very much hope this situation can be swiftly resolved so we can continue to deliver high quality education and opportunities for our students. I am in regular contact with LA and Union representatives and will keep you informed of any progress or change.
College will be open as normal for all students on Thursday, 6th July and it is a requirement that all students attend.
If you have any questions, please contact the college on the above email.
Yours sincerely,
Mr R Cormack
The Quinta Residential trip is almost upon us, so here is the all of the final information that you should need.
On Wednesday 21st June, at 8.30am participating students should meet in the canteen with their bags for registration.
Students should bring an easily accessible packed lunch for Wednesday as this will not be provided. Students who receive free school meals will have one provided for them. Also, if your daughter/son has special dietary requirements or allergies, please ensure college is made aware of this.
We will be back at Cowley for approximately 2.30 to 3pm on Friday, but students will be able to confirm a more exact time when we are in transit.
Below is an equipment list, but if you have any other queries, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Collins.
Any student who needs medication whilst they are away, please ensure this is in a labelled bag and handed to staff when they arrive at school. The only exception to this is inhalers, they must be kept on the child.
Any student who has not returned the EVB health form please do so ASAP as without this your child will not be able to attend the residential.
Space will be limited on the coach so please limit your baggage to a main luggage bag and a hand luggage bag for the packed lunch.
- A packed lunch for Wednesday (food and drink!)
- A waterproof coat – this is ESSENTIAL as we are in Wales and will be outside for a lot of the time, rain or shine!
- A complete change of clothes for two days – they may get muddy/wet outside. This should include warm clothes, a spare jumper and even a hat and gloves if the weather forecast is bad!
- Avoid jeans on daytime activities as they are cold and uncomfortable when wet. Combat trousers, leggings or tracksuit bottoms are better.
- A complete set of old clothes and trainers that you don’t mind getting wet and muddy during raft building.
- A set of evening clothes – quiz & disco.
- Shorts, sun cream/hat.
- Personal toiletries and medication (any medication must be in a bag with the students name on, and handed to staff on arrival at school)
- Toothbrush and toothpaste.
- Large towel.
- Swimming costume.
- A sleeping bag or duvet and pillow case.
- Pocket money – £10 maximum for tuck shop and/or the payphone.
We recommend that students do not bring expensive ‘gadgets’ such as iPads, and apple watches. Students are allowed to bring their phones but will not be allowed to use them during the day when they are on activities. Please do not let your daughter/son bring valuable personal items or clothing that is likely to get damaged as we cannot guarantee their safety and the college cannot be held responsible for the theft or loss of goods!
Please be advised that phone coverage at Quinta is very intermittent and there is no WIFI.
Our Summer Performing Arts concert takes place on Wednesday 12th July in Cowley Hall (Sixth Form Site), starting at 6:00 pm.
Tickets are priced £5 each and can be bought from any of the Performing Arts Staff or you can pay on the door.

FORTY NINE ‘number crunchers’ from Year 7 and 8 at Cowley International College have won medals in a UK junior maths challenge.
Earlier this year, students from Cowley joined schools from up and down the country to compete in a nationwide maths challenge. The challenge is organised by UK Mathematics Trust and requires students to use mathematical reasoning and techniques to think-outside-the-box and solve sophisticated mathematical problems.
Three Year 8 students achieved the top Gold medal by achieving an impressive 85 points respectively.
The Silver certificate, which is achieved by only 16-17% of UK entrants, was awarded to 14 Cowley students in total. Bronze, which is achieved by only 25% of all entrants, was awarded to 32 students.
The number of Gold medals won in this challenge is a personal best for the college. In the past, our students have achieved Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates, and many have qualified for further rounds.
A massive thank you also goes out to our brilliant maths teacher, Mrs Lloyd, for all the training and encouragement given to our competitors. We also give thanks to the parents and carers who continue to support their daughter/son in their academic and extra-curricular endeavours.
How the competition is scored
In the Junior and Intermediate Challenges the top scoring 50% of the entrants receive bronze, silver or gold certificates based on their mark in the paper.
- The Gold award is achieved by the top 8-9% of the entrants.
- The Silver award is achieved by 16-17% of the entrants.
- The Bronze award is achieved by 25% of the entrants.