6 June 2024
Dear Parent/Carer,
Over the last term we have been responding to the Government guidance on mobile phones in schools. I last wrote to parents in April 2024 to explain the options, decision and FAQs from parents Click here to read that letter
The Cowley policy has now been written and approved by the Governing body. The policy will go live on Monday 17 June 2024. I appreciate we are building new routines and habits with students, and therefore, there will be a ‘soft launch’ for outside the building for the first three weeks. Students will not receive detentions for the first three weeks if they do not follow the policy outside the building. However, if a student persistently breaks this rule, their phone will be confiscated. The issue will be logged on ClassCharts for parents to see if their child is following the new expectations; and detentions and confiscations for outside will start in September 2024.
We have spent a significant amount of time communicating and consulting with parents, students and staff and I appreciate the positive feedback to how we are introducing this new college expectation. I am confident with a consistent approach from school and home, students will benefit from improved concentration and better outcomes due to this new phone policy.
This week, the students have received assemblies about the policy and the plan for the launch. I encourage all parents/carers to:
1. Familiarise themselves with the policy: Click here to read the policy
2. Discuss the policy with their children and help them be prepared.
3. Revisit the FAQs Click here
Yours sincerely
Mr Cormack
Y11 Revision timetable
Y13 revision timetable
FIFTY ‘number crunchers’ from Year 7 and Year 8 at Cowley International College have won medals in a UK junior maths challenge.
Lower school students recently participated in the UK Maths Trust Junior Mathematical Challenge and the results are a record for the school with 50 students taking away medals.
In April, students from Cowley joined schools from up and down the country to compete in a nationwide maths challenge. The challenge is organised by UK Mathematics Trust and requires students to use mathematical reasoning and techniques to think-outside-the-box and solve sophisticated mathematical problems.
Six students achieved coveted Gold medals, ten achieved Silver and 36 bagged bronze, which is a phenomenal result for the school.
Year 7 student, Oscar Downs-Johnson, achieved an impressive score and was crowned Best in School.
The number of awards won in this challenge is a personal best for the college. In the past, our students have achieved Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates, and many have qualified for further rounds.
A massive thank you goes out to our Maths Department, for all the training and encouragement given to our competitors. We also give thanks to the parents and carers who continue to support their daughter/son in their academic and extra-curricular endeavours.
9th May 2024
Dear Parent/Carer,
I am writing to you to invite you to stand for election as a parent governor or to nominate another parent to do so.
The Governing Body, with the Principal, have overall responsibility for the running of the college. Governing Bodies have three core strategic functions:
• Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
• Holding the Principal to account for the educational performance of the college and its students.
• Overseeing the financial performance of the college and making sure its money is well spent.
No special qualifications are required and the most important thing is to have a keen interest in the college and be prepared to play an active part in the governing body’s work. However, we would particularly welcome nominations from parents with skills and experiences in Human Resources or supporting other parents/carers. Training is available for all governors and this governing body has an expectation that those new to being a Governor attend free induction training.
By following the link at the bottom of the page, you will find a document that summarises the circumstances under which someone cannot serve as a Governor. In addition, parents/carers who have paid employment in the college for 500 or more hours per academic year or who are elected members of the Local Authority are not eligible to stand in these elections. Nominations must be from parents or carers with children at the college on the day that nominations close.
If you would like to stand for election, please complete the nomination form by following this link https://forms.office.com/e/bHeTWAiT4V no later than 23rd May 2024. You may also include a short personal statement to support your nomination, which should be no longer than 250 words. Self-nominations will be accepted, but if you are nominating another parent/carer please seek their prior consent.
If there are more nominations than vacancies the election will be by secret ballot. If that is necessary, voting papers will be sent to all parents together with details of the ballot procedure.
Yours sincerely,
Mr R Cormack
Qualifications and Disqualifications for serving as a School Governor
St Helens Councillors David Baines and Anthony Burns were present as Cowley International College officially opened a new outdoor classroom in Cowley Woods, a woodland area within the school’s grounds.
Part of Cowley Woods has been developed into an outdoor learning space with the help of the Mersey Forest, who assisted with the installation of a clear open space within the woods, pathways, including wheelchair friendly access, as well as a seated area.
The new classroom will be used by the school on a daily basis for outdoor learning across a number of different academic subjects, as well as being a space to help improve students’ mental health and wellbeing.
Principal of Cowley International College, Mr Cormack said: “We are delighted to officially open this outdoor classroom, which will provide students with a wonderful learning space and allow them to experience the great outdoors.
“Research shows that being outside and taking in the fresh air is positive for wellbeing, which is another really important factor in providing this offering for our students.
“The College is extremely grateful for the support from Dave Armson from Mersey Forest for enabling this to happen at Cowley.”
Students have already been busy using the new facilities, with researchers from Manchester Metropolitan University working on a ‘Voice of the Future’ project that involves collaborating with children and young people to re-imagine treescapes.
Asked about the new outdoor learning space, one student said: “Being outdoors makes me happy. It is nice to be outside with the wildlife and in the fresh air.”
Another student added: “I really like this outdoor area as it is really calming and relaxing and a space where you can be creative.”
The school’s Eco-Committee will also be utilising the space as part of their weekly activities, and the group have already been building bug hotels to encourage pollination and provide a safe haven for insects.
Miss Meredith, Sustainability Leader at Cowley, explained: “The Eco-Committee is an important part of the school community and is continuing to grow with more and more students joining us, so it’s great for us to have this fantastic new facility to encourage the students to take care of the environment around us.
“The students have big plans for how best to use the outdoor classroom and we’re really excited to start using and developing it further.”
After the official unveiling, students took part in a number of activities including nature finding and making animals out of bamboo that will be hung on the trees to help decorate the learning space.
St Helens Star reporter, Simon Mulligan, captured the new outdoor learning space and the peace and tranquility it can help offer students.
A new outdoor woodland learning area has been launched at Cowley International College pic.twitter.com/RPkwRupSgi
— Simon J. Mulligan (@SimonJMulligan1) May 1, 2024
Please find attached a letter regarding mobile phone use on the 11-16 site.
A letter from the Principal
Dear Student & Parent/Carer,
The exam season is upon us and this is your time to shine! I can’t say this is going to be an enjoyable few weeks, but it is necessary and something we all go through in our lives. It won’t be long before your magical Prom and longest summer holiday ever will be here. However, we can’t ignore the fact that these next few weeks will have a significant impact on the rest of your life. To help you through, I want to give you some tips and advice to help you perform to the best of your ability.
- There is still enough time to make significant improvements in your grades
The time studying at home and in revision classes will have a significant impact on your results, right up to the moment you walk into the exam. Keep working hard and use every moment you can to make that next grade. - This is nothing to do with luck
Your GCSE results are all about the effort and the work you do to prepare for your exams. No-one will say those students who do well have been “lucky”. Work hard and put the effort in and you will see the benefits. - Prioritise your time
Over the next few weeks, your exams must be your number one priority. This is the time to be disciplined about how you use the precious time you have. - Use the staff to help you achieve the top grades
Don’t sit at home worrying about some content you are struggling with, ask your teachers for help as they are the experts. They will always find time for you, and five minutes with a teacher could save you hours. - Attend all the extra sessions
Staff at Cowley always have extra sessions after college, at weekends and during the holidays, that are carefully planned to support you with exam preparation. Don’t miss out on these important opportunities as students who come to these sessions are far more prepared and achieve higher grades. - Work hard at home
Evenings and weekends are long enough to fit in relaxation and revision. Each evening, you should be studying for 2 hours (not including your Period 6). Split your weekends into 3 (mornings, afternoons, and evenings) and study for 2 out of 3. - Reward your hard work with some ‘down time’
Relax, get outside, and do some exercise. Studies show that students who punctuate their revision with exercise outside do better in their exams. - Be honest and ruthless with your distractions
We all have distractions in our lives that stop us from doing what we need to do. Be disciplined with these distractions, whether this is your phone, your PlayStation or something else. For the next few weeks, these must be managed. You will have plenty of time once the exams have finished! - Be organised and prepared for the day
Use your exam timetable to know when and where your exams are. The morning of the exam can be very busy and therefore preparation is key. Each night, make sure you have all the necessary equipment for the next day. If you are not sure on what equipment you need, please speak to your Team Tutor. - Use the resources provided
All the resources we have given you, including the ‘Knowledge Organisers’, GCSE Pod, Revision books and past papers. These are all brilliant, but only if you use them! Don’t spend time copying things down or making extensive notes. Familiarise yourself with key topics, make lists of areas that you are concerned about and speak to your teachers.
You are going to be nervous; it is normal to be nervous as it means you care, and these exams mean something to you. All you must do is work hard and ask for help when you need it.
I believe in you and your ability and look forward to celebrating with you at Prom and Results Day.
Best wishes,
Mr Cormack
Please see below a timetable of GCSE Easter revision classes. Please note that there aren’t any canteen facilities available, therefore students are advised to bring a drink with them.
Cowley International College’s U14 girls hockey team have been crowned champions at the recent North West State Schools Hockey Championships.
Competing against state schools from across the region, Cowley came out on top after recording an impressive set of results that saw them win four games and draw the other from their five-match series, giving them the best record of all the teams involved.
The girls achieved victories over Bramhall, Lytham St Annes, Sale and Wellington with a 0-0 draw against Bishop Heber in the middle with some excellent performances across the whole team.
P.E. teacher and hockey coach, Mrs Irwin, said: “I’m extremely proud of the girls for winning this tournament.
“We came up against a lot of strong teams, but the girls played some exceptional hockey and showed a great togetherness and team spirit by encouraging each other which got the best out of them.
“They demonstrated the core Cowleian values, played the game in the correct spirit and thoroughly deserved their success.”
The next major competition for the team will be the National State Schools Championships which is held in Nottingham later in the year.