Cowley students excel in the UKMT Maths Challenge

FIFTY ‘number crunchers’ from Year 7 and Year 8 at Cowley International College have won medals in a UK junior maths challenge.

Lower school students recently participated in the UK Maths Trust Junior Mathematical Challenge and the results are a record for the school with 50 students taking away medals.

In April, students from Cowley joined schools from up and down the country to compete in a nationwide maths challenge. The challenge is organised by UK Mathematics Trust and requires students to use mathematical reasoning and techniques to think-outside-the-box and solve sophisticated mathematical problems.

Six students achieved coveted Gold medals, ten achieved Silver and 36 bagged bronze, which is a phenomenal result for the school.

Year 7 student, Oscar Downs-Johnson, achieved an impressive score and was crowned Best in School.

The number of awards won in this challenge is a personal best for the college.  In the past, our students have achieved Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates, and many have qualified for further rounds.

A massive thank you goes out to our Maths Department, for all the training and encouragement given to our competitors.  We also give thanks to the parents and carers who continue to support their daughter/son in their academic and extra-curricular endeavours.